Simply My View Of Things



The Moon Last Night

The Moon Last Night

The Moon Last Night

This can not really capture just how lovely the moon, clouds and trees actually were but given the camera it is as close as I could get.

Moon in the night

~ taken with a Sony DSC H200~


Moon BEFORE the storm.

Moon before the storm

~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Sunrise Series. Dawning 1.

Dawning 1

Dawning 1

This is one of my favorite pictures from this mornings predawn walk in the nature zone.

Already got the “your crazy” for going out to walk at 0330hrs but the picture is nice.

To give an idea of how dark it was when I left the house.

First Picture of the walk. Can you spot the moon?

First Picture of the walk. Can you spot the moon?

~~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Weekly Photo Challenge – In The Background. The Moon.

Moon In Background

The other night I was wishing for a better camera, not that mine is too shabby, it has taken some rather enchanting and surprisingly good photos lately, but to capture the moon as it was that night, alas not quite good enough.

The Moon was so bright that it was almost like having sunrise, and the clouds did not hang about to ruin the moon either.

I shall gather the rest and add them as a gallery soon but for now, this one will have to suffice.


Dawn Moon

Dawn Moon

Looking up to the sky very early one morning, this is the sight that greeted me.

The sun was about to rise and greet the day but for a while, the sky was filled with both.


Daytime Moon ~Weekly Photo Challenge UP ~

Daytime Moon

Daytime Moon

Daytime Moon
~Weekly Photo Challenge UP ~

So taking the camera with me everyday is turning into a happy habit.

Today I thought I would try taking this picture and totally amazed that it turned out so well.

With the sun the way it was, I could not really see what I was doing.