Simply My View Of Things

Author Archive


The Moon Last Night

The Moon Last Night

The Moon Last Night

This can not really capture just how lovely the moon, clouds and trees actually were but given the camera it is as close as I could get.

Moon in the night

~ taken with a Sony DSC H200~


Baking this morning…

Apple Fritters

Apple Fritters

Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies

Lemon Shortbread Cookies

Lemon Shortbread Cookies


Never made shortbread before, these one have turned out wonderful.


Beauty sharing a sunrise.

DSC01660 SL


Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow


Sunset after the rain

Sunset after the rain

Sunset after the rain


I saw a flower today

The Tulip

The Tulip

I Saw A Flower Today (the poem the flower inspired)


The Colours of Fall.

Fall is here.


The Sunset Tonight

Tonight's Sunset

Tonight’s Sunset


hmm the sun?

Maybe the sun

Maybe the sun

~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Cinnamon buns, take 2.

Cinnamon buns - second try

Cinnamon buns – second try

After doing some reading, and trying some things out, this lot tasted much better than the first. Think I almost have it down pat.


Ok maybe what catches my eye is not what others see but…I like this.



I have had this discussion with a couple people, who look at the clouds and imagine shapes, or others who only notice them when they get rained on, they do not see the shades, nature’s nuances and brilliance in simple, free for all to see display.

Or maybe I am just odd.

~ Photo taken with my samsung PL221, ya the coffee dunked one~


Spider on a leaf


Spider on a leaf.

I noticed him while I was taking pictures of some flowers, lower down in the bush, when I glanced back (arachnids and I do not get along) he had climbed as high as he could and was as close as he could get to where I was. Odd.

Figured it deserved a cameo for it’s efforts.





My First Cinnamon Buns

My First Cinnamon Buns

My First Cinnamon Buns

I am rather glad I took pictures because when I got up, they were all gone (even the plates).


Precious, taking it all in stride, again.

Precious In her first clothes wearing experience.

Precious In her first clothes wearing experience.


The butterfly…

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly that landed in my lap.

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly that landed in my lap.

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly




Small Tortoiseshell butterfly on my hand.

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly on my hand.




Apple Cinnamon White Bread (made in bread maker)

Apple Cinnamon White Cake

Apple Cinnamon White Cake


Apple Cinnamon White Cake, made in a bread maker this time, did not turn out as good as the oven baked but not bad.  Finally found a bread tin that is not made of silicone so next time it will stand up nice, unlike last time when it bulged in the middle.

Apple Cinnamon White Bread.

Apple Cinnamon White Bread.




Strawberry Fritters

Strawberry Fritters

Strawberry Fritters


Apple Cinnamon White Cake

Apple Cinnamon White Cake

Apple Cinnamon White Cake


Morning Surprise.

Apple Fritters made at 5 a.m.

Apple Fritters made at 5 a.m.


Translucent Substance

Translucent Substance

~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~

Oh and this is a first attempt at HD.


Moon BEFORE the storm.

Moon before the storm

~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Pup at play.

Ok So you want to TRY to take this away

The dog LOVES bubble wrap, going so far as to gently nip along it just to pop the bubbles (she likes the sound).  I caught this photo when we were playing and I was trying to take it away, and she kept returning to dangle it in front of me as if saying: “You think you can take this away on me? Come on try. You know you want it lil girl, keep trying, come on, make a grab for it.” Then she dashes off in triumph when you miss.


Baking in the early morning…

First tarts

…Never tried to make butter tarts before but I was looking for moms recipe and unable to find it.  Will take a bit more experimenting before I figure it out.

Decided to take 4 shells and change up the filling, so 2 they ended up being strawberry cheesecake.



Worth a chuckle…

…as someone that picks up after my parading pooch, this amused me.

Dog Poo Fairy

Dog Poo Fairy

~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~

My own thoughts on this are posted in Complexity of Thought

Watch your step around here.

Watch your step around here.


Unexpected sights…

Streetlight attire...hazard cones?

Streetlight attire…hazard cones?


~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Sunrise Series. Dawning 1.

Dawning 1

Dawning 1

This is one of my favorite pictures from this mornings predawn walk in the nature zone.

Already got the “your crazy” for going out to walk at 0330hrs but the picture is nice.

To give an idea of how dark it was when I left the house.

First Picture of the walk. Can you spot the moon?

First Picture of the walk. Can you spot the moon?

~~Taken with a Samsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


Weeky Photo Challenge: Golden Hour

View For Two - the pigeon never said much.

View For Two – the pigeon never said much.

~~Taken with a Ssamsung PL221 after it had accidentally been immersed in hot sweet coffee~


A view I might have ignored…

A snuggle in the rain.

A snuggle in the rain.

~For those wondering the camera used is a simple Samsung PL221.~


Surprise Sunrise photos.

Did not see the whole picture until I actually looked.

Did not see the whole picture until I actually looked.

This is just one of a whole set of sunrise pictures I have yet to share but it amused me that I did not notice what was right in front of me.

For those wondering the camera used is a simple Samsung PL221.

Precious wrangles a lose water hose.

Precious Investigates the sound of water.

Precious Investigates the sound of water.

Precious’ version of yard cleaning.


Day Out Part 2 – Handmade Burger Co, Highcross Leicester.

Homemade Burger Company

Homemade Burger Company

Handmade Burger Co, Highcross Leicester.

The Day Out afforded me many many photo taking opportunities and with a few minor bits of restraint I kept an eye out for things that I found interesting.

Our stop for a midday meal was subject to a bit of debate as my cohort had previously been to the Handmade Burger Co. and did not like it, which caused a few wrinkles as I felt like  a burger on this rare (I almost never go out) trip out and about.

Of course the wait was a bit long as the place was crowded but I kept her amused with my wobbly chair and dropping the number off the stick repeatedly. Any wonder why I rarely venture out? All the finesse of  a bowling pin on a busy lane.

While ordering she did make a comment about the spices on the fries so I think she got extra just to make it worth her while (at least I hope so because I teased her about it).

This time around she found a burger that she liked (hurray for small miracles) and will likely visit again.

I enjoyed the meal, the staff were helpful and it was nice to sit down after following Miss “Shops A Lot” all over.

~I so needed the coffee by this point.~

I decided to make a collage of the photos I took, and looking at them makes her want to go back (alas it’s garden sorting day today so no not happening).

No, not my usual post, but hey gotta be different occasionally.

~Simultaneously posted in Complexity of Thought for the commentary (and to prove I am alive as my focus has been photography lately) -and here for the Photography~


Weekly Photo Challenge: In The Background. Peeking In.

Misty in the window 2

Hey Guys, what you doing in there?

Misty, at this time was a 7 year old Pinto Quarter Horse.

~Photo Taken with Kodak 110 Camera in 1982.~


Weekly Photo Challenge: In The Background. Peeking

Gwen Peeking


Which does make one wonder, what she was peeking at?

Why her mother, and her new nephew of course.

We spent all night looking for Patch, who had snuck away to have her calf.  On a 360 acre farm with bush/trees over 100 acres, hiding is easy, finding not always so easy.  In the end we followed her daughter, Gwen, who took us right to the spot.

Everything looks wonderful, serene, even pretty.  Anyone who has raised cattle knows it’s rarely like that, behind the scenes we had to follow the one cow through the bush for ages to be taken to the other.  Very quickly after these photos were taken, the mama cow saw the dogs and well nearly ran over everyone chasing them, which unintentionally distracted her enough for us to load the calf and take it to the barn (don’t worry, mama was alongside the vehicle the entire time).

These photos all taken with an old Kodak 110 Camera – before dodging mommy cow.

August 26, 1981


Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape.

Stained Glass

Once upon a time, on a corner somewhere nearby, people sought solace and escape from their worries and hardships, just for a bit within the structures of whatever fashion and whichever belief.

The Photo was taken because stained glass, like sunsets, clouds and various other things, tends to draw my attention.

No intention of offending anyone, just sharing the beauty and the passing thought.










Weekly Photo Challenge: In The Background. Sunset.

Tree in the sunset

Tree In Sunset

The background is indeed the focal point, the life and energy of the picture but the tree gives it that little extra to make it feel right.


Weekly Photo Challenge – In The Background. The Moon.

Moon In Background

The other night I was wishing for a better camera, not that mine is too shabby, it has taken some rather enchanting and surprisingly good photos lately, but to capture the moon as it was that night, alas not quite good enough.

The Moon was so bright that it was almost like having sunrise, and the clouds did not hang about to ruin the moon either.

I shall gather the rest and add them as a gallery soon but for now, this one will have to suffice.


First Panoramic Photo

First Panoramic

Pulchritudynous’ photostream on Flickr.

Click on the photo to see it properly.


My First Panoramic

First Panoramic

I had a camera that took “Panoramic” shots but it was not digital.

This is the first time I have tried to do Panoramic shots with my new Camera.


My First Camera & My First Picture.

My First Camera, Kodak Hawkeye Flashfun,

My First Camera, Kodak Hawkeye Flashfun,

When I first started taking pictures I was told I could use mom’s Kodak, but no one showed me “how” to use it.

So I spent the day taking tons of pictures, one after another, and at the end of the day, they all ended up on 1.

My first ever photograph…ended up being an accidental collage.

Of course I was 11 at the time.



Sleep – A Word A Week Photo Challenge

Precious demonstrates how to sleep.

Precious demonstrates how to sleep.

Under the covers, head on a pillow, comfy in her slumber…a picturesque example of the art of sleeping.

Each soft snore shares her enjoyment of the activity, simple, deep and able to recharge one to puppy energy levels by the dawn and ringing alarm clock.

If only we could all sleep as deeply and well as my little charmer.

Goodnight Precious, see you in the morning.


Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly

How is it that we go about our days never noticing the little things of beauty.

Could not help it, it is like it asked me to take it’s picture.

Once you notice them, the delicate beauty is hard to ignore, you start to look for the next floating delicate beauty that chances by.


Sunset. Hope In View

Photograph by Simple Lady

Photograph by Simple Lady

How easy is it to look at that picture and see more than just the view?

Hope, inspirations, dreams and admiration for nature are a few possibilities that come to mind.

Another thing from the “what we take for granted everyday” section.

Decided this photo could handle being a pseudo poster with a tiny message.

The original before the border was added:

Photograph by Simple Lady
Photograph by Simple Lady

Butterflies Dancing

Butterflies Dancing

Butterflies Dancing. Not easy to catch a picture of 2 butterflies cavorting in the air, but with a few tries I finally got one. I added the water after, thought it would look more nature oriented than the buildings nearby.

Walking the dog I noticed things that I wanted to take pictures of.

Simple things, that you see everyday but most of the time we don’t pause to look. notice or bother to take pictures of.

Now the dog is patient, and use to me dragging her off to take pictures, standing still while I click away at something.  I am lucky that she is so tolerant.

While we were checking out a new spot, we noticed a bunch of butterflies, different types, and I decided we needed to try taking a few pictures.

Definitely got on the dog’s last nerve, as there was a cat following us around, which she feels is just so not apropos.

For the next few weeks my picture blog will likely be filled with photos of things we are too busy to take the time to notice in the everyday.

Simplify the richness of the environment we live in…just leave out the cats and spiders.

Photograph by Simple Lady


Dawn Moon

Dawn Moon

Looking up to the sky very early one morning, this is the sight that greeted me.

The sun was about to rise and greet the day but for a while, the sky was filled with both.


Daytime Moon ~Weekly Photo Challenge UP ~

Daytime Moon

Daytime Moon

Daytime Moon
~Weekly Photo Challenge UP ~

So taking the camera with me everyday is turning into a happy habit.

Today I thought I would try taking this picture and totally amazed that it turned out so well.

With the sun the way it was, I could not really see what I was doing.


Part 1 of Hail Day in Photos

Decided to make a slide show of pictures – just to see if I could.

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral

Pictures taken while out for coffee. For the background on that see “Coffee The Date”.

This Cathedral is simply magnificent, the interior even more so, tapestries and stained glass accent a very imposing yet picturesque structure.

I love stained glass, and the Cloisters which I did not take pictures of during this visit.


Cathedral Grounds

Cathedral Grounds


Cathedral Grounds

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral Map

Peterborough Cathedral Map

For more information on the history of the Cathedral try this site:

Peterborough Cathedral Wiki


Me, Myself and I

Careful you might turn to stone.

Careful you might turn to stone.

Okay, a picture of me.

Not sure how long this will be here but…for now.

For those wondering about my voice, you can find that in the next post – describing Miss Comfort herself.



Precious Mattress Model



My comment on MP3

I know most of us that have dogs know that they like to be relaxed.  I have had a few dogs – Prec is the first one to like sleeping under the covers and on her tummy.

Yes that is my voice on the MP3.  (Canadian)


Snow on the farm, Manitoba Canada.

Yard Winter 1983

Yard Winter 1983

Life on the farm in winter, Manitoba, Canada.

People mention snow, well snow is something I know, and windchill.

So sometimes when people who rarely get snow think a little bit is a huge amount, I wanna share what a fairly large amount is like, keeping in mind that there are places where a huge amount is even more than what I experienced.

Please note these are not all from the same time or year…after all winter is yearly but some winters have had more tonnage in snow than others.

By the way,  it’s all shovel work – no snow blower and only the occasional snow plow would take pity on us.

Some pictures have had sharpness enhanced to improve detail but click on them and they will be larger, easier to see.

Thanks for the visit!!

snow over the barn - Copy

There is a barn under there, not a small one either.

Yard snow 2

There are 2 cars there, one we shoveled out and the other still buried.

yardsnowsharpened 1

view from the barn

View towards the house, from on top of the snowbank.

Always loved the clear cold days after a blizzard, just right for shoveling (you quickly learn how fast exposed skin freezes).

Dutch Doors into the barn.

Dutch doors snow before

DutchDoor Before - Copy

Dutch Doors Being Shoveled out.

Snow Dutch Doors Shovelled out

I recall this being very akin to a ski ramp for a while – the snow banks were taller than I am if I was standing on the ground.

Alright so I am only 5ft tall but still.

snowy sunset 1

Behind the barn

Behind the barn

Okay, so the barn would end up totally UNDER a snow drift – this was all from 1 blizzard. The problem is that it has to be shoveled off to prevent cave ins.

Snow Over The Barn 1 and we had already started shoveling it off.

You can tell by the tracks leading up to the snow on the barn, we had already started. What you can not tell by the picture is some of the things that went while we would be shoveling the roof off.

The dogs went up with us, of course we did not realize the daft buggers would make a race track out of the roof and one actually ran off the roof in a low snow spot. No injuries but he did not do it again and we tried to keep them off the barn after that.

Snow over the fence and the barn.

Snow over the fence and the barn.

Yard after snow

Snowbanks between the house and the paddocks.

snow by house to paddocks

The opposite side – between house and driveway.

Snow between house and driveway.

Snow between house and driveway.

Snow, view from house to driveway (under that snow) looking towards Highway.

Snow, view from house to driveway (under that snow) looking towards Highway.

Driveway, usually shoveled out but this time after we had been shoveling most of the day, the highway plow took pity and gave the drive a 15 minute pass with the commercial plow.

After shoveling this driveway for 20 years, I knew the 160 yards by heart.

Oh ya, I measured it cause I wanted to know what distance I was shoveling for.

Driveway after snowplow came through - 160 yards long

Driveway after snowplow came through – 160 yards long

Driveway after plow.

Driveway after plow.

Winter of 1986

The yard.

Winter of 1986

Winter of 1986

Winter 1986_during snowstorm

Winter 1986_during snowstorm

Winter of 1986 During Snowstorm

Winter of 1986 During Snowstorm

Winter of 1987

Winter 1987 the shoveled path from the house

Winter 1987 the shoveled path from the house

Oh the view during the summer.

Farm I have

Farm I had